Today I am exploring a power point that Doctor Smirnova posted on e-class. This power point is called 103 simple ways to teach geography! This power point has 103 creative and simple ways to engage students in exploring geography with the use of technology. As I went through the slides I explored many of the tools and sites to see all that is offered.
On the first page there was a tool called
Dumpr. I explored this tool and found it extremely creative, engaging, and interesting to use with students in a classroom! Using this tool students could create a digital photo pencil sketch by uploading a photo. Once the photo is uploaded they could be printed out for students to paint or color over. I love this idea!
Here is the link for Dumpr:
Dumpr - Photo Pencil Sketch
Google Earth Trip!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS IDEA! I used Google earth before and previously explored the site. This is an excellent idea that is easy and fun to do. I could truly see students enjoying this activity and it sounds like a great way to keep students on task and manage a classroom. As stated on the power point, teachers could take a jar, tub, or bucket and fill them with slips. Each slip would have a world city, destination, or land mark to explore. The first student who packs their belongings away first, or cleans up nicely gets to pick out a slip of paper, and the class flies there on Google earth! Here is the link to Google earth:
Google Earth
Adopt A Rock!
I think this is an excellent idea and once again I have to say that I
LOVE it! To choose a rock, ask students to examine the rock, its make up, where it came from, and what processes have shaped it, is an amazing idea! Students examine and learn all about rocks and their many elements during earth science. If a teacher wants to introduce the elements of rocks before students take earth science or help deepen their understanding after the course is an excellent idea! I love the idea of the rock being taken by a classmate over the weekend or a holiday. Giving the rock a home the student is to take pictures of the rocks journey and all that it encounters. "Remember, every rock matters"!!!
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
Idea #17: This idea stated that teachers are to take a important news article and read it to the students. The teacher then asks the students to draw an image representing the issue or event that was mentioned within the article, "A picture speaks a thousand words."

I loved this idea because I feel that it is important for students to know what is going on in the world and in the society in which they live in. In today's society students barley read newspapers anymore, they have the internet, their phones, and online articles that they could often refer to. Though they have those digital documents at their fingertips many do not take the time to read about current events that are going on as we speak. It is important for the teacher to help students make connections. When students make connections to their every day life they deepen their understanding of a topic and learn more than one could ever imagine! To have students draw a picture of what they learned is extremely important as well! This allows students to show their understanding and helps the teacher recognize what the student had taken away from the article and lesson.
Voicethread is an excellent tool for students to use! I explored Dr Smirnovas Voicethread and loved it! Voicethread is an interactive model that uses visual and recorded media. It is simple and easy to use, all you have to do is create and account and add a picture! Once you create your account you are able to listen to Dr Smirnovas questions, watch a video, and respond! I feel as though this tool provides a great opportunity for students to express and share their opinions in a creative way! Here is the link to Dr Smirnovas Voicethread:
Dr Smirnovas Voicethread Check it out!!!
Engaging, interactive,& easy!
You could also used your camera and film yourself when responding! If you do not have a camera no need to worry! You can type or record your response. To record your response you can use a cellphone or microphone in a lap top or computer.
My Alter Ego on Twitter!
Twitter is an extremely popular site, app, or tool, that students now use! Twitter is an online social networking site that allows its users to send and read 140 character text messages known as "tweets".
Idea # 26: Idea number twenty six stated that Twitter can be used to help students study and learn! I think this is a great idea. To reach out to students using their own social networking sites and tools in order to make learning engaging and fun. The idea is to create an alter ego twitter account, as a teacher. The teacher would then have the students sign up for twitter or use their current one and follow the teachers alter ego account. The teacher will be sure to tweet facts relating to upcoming exam topics each day! Students can then contact the teacher directly for advice and receive the tweets to their phones!
Landscape in a Box
Landscape in box is an activity where students take a box and create a landscape that would fit inside of it. This is an amazing idea! This allows students to learn all about a place while re-creating it and getting creative. When I was in elementary school I created a landscape in a box as well. I currently do not remember the landscape i created but I do remember having a great deal of fun creating and sharing my work!
Throw a Globe
To make a lesson fun and exciting a teacher could possibly use this idea to make the lesson much more engaging! Throw a Globe! :)
A teacher could purchase a blow up globe to throw around the room for questioning. The teacher or a student could throw the glob to a student who he or she wants to answer the question. Once the question is answered that student can throw it to another student to answer the next question!
When I was younger a few of my teachers used this technique. I enjoyed throwing the globe around the room and passing it on to my classmates. It was always exciting to catch the globe and answer the question. This made the lesson fun and helped me look forward to participating in the class
The World on a Shower Curtain!!!
The world shower curtain could be a useful addition to a classroom. The curtain could be hung up within the classroom or used on the floor and annotated with dry erase markers! I think this is an excellent idea and would truly help students learn the world map. It is a large visual item that is tangible and would allow students to play and explore. I would definitely use this idea in my classroom in the future.
Survey Monkey
Survey monkey is a tool where a teacher and or student could create a survey with numerous questions. It is an extremely easy and fun tool to use. It is an excellent way for students to provide feedback as well!!!
Within Dr Smirnova's class we were introduced to Survey Monkey in the beginning of the year. I enjoyed using the site and would definitely use it in the future to hear from my students and to see their responses to a lesson or unit. It is a great way to receive students feedback.