Dr. Smirnova, I couldn't thank you enough! Have a wonderful summer :)
Monday, May 12, 2014
Farewell Social Studies Methods
Dr. Smirnova, I couldn't thank you enough! Have a wonderful summer :)
Friday, May 9, 2014
My Teaching Philosophy
My passion for teaching grew even stronger when I had taken
Dr.Smirnova’s social studies methods course. I learned a great deal of
techniques, websites, and strategies, in order t engage students within the
classroom. Dr. Smirnova provided us with a vast amount of tools and technology
to use and teach social studies in an engaging and unique way. Teaching with
these strategies brought social studies alive. Learning was fun! My personal
philosophy about teaching is that it is the teacher’s role to educate all
students in a supportive and respectful manor. Educators should have the
ability to differentiate instruction techniques to meet the needs of each and
every student is something that I value in education. Every child learns
differently, so as a teacher I would use a wide range of techniques to help my
students’ prosper and grow. I would approach an activity in numerous ways to
help every child. I believe that every child learns differently; therefore it
is crucial for a teacher to use different techniques and learning tools. I want
to change the world, and I know education is where I could have the greatest
impact. Future teachers, such as myself, can truly make a difference. To be an
effective teacher, my students must have the opportunity to take responsibility
for becoming life-long learners, while having fun. I want my students to become
empowered by their own learning. I want to teach my students to love learning.
An effective teacher is one who knows
how to engage his or her students and properly meets the needs of each and
every student. An effective teacher is one who creates a learning experience
that is meaningful, integrative, value-based, challenging, and active, can
build student leaning in all areas. To do so, teachers can apply numerous
strategies and techniques in their lessons. I learned three excellent strategies
this semester that I would be sure to use in the future! The three learning
strategies included: direct instruction, inquiry, and cooperative learning.
Direct instruction is when the lesson is teacher based, and the teacher
directly teaches the lesson to the students. Inquiry lesson is when the
students research information, make observations, collect data, and eventually
devise their own way to report their findings to their classmates. Cooperative
learning is when students work together in small groups to complete an activity
or task. Students are working together in these lessons to achieve a common
goal. I had the chance to apply my skills and use these methods during
fieldwork. I was truly able to see the great impact these strategies alone had
on the students.
philosophy is based on the five characteristics of powerful social studies are:
Meaningful, Integrative, Value-Based, Challenging, and Active. Social studies
learning should be meaningful learning experience to truly grab the student’s attention
and interest. When students are capable of making connections between new
content and prior knowledge, students will learn and remember the content that
is being taught. It is crucial to help students make text-to-text,
text-to-world, and text-to-text connections. Helping children make these connections allow them to relate
it to their own experiences and further their understanding. Engagement and
hands-on activities help connect text to real life situations. I learned when
students make these connections it would help them prosper and grow into
well-educated individuals. As a teacher, I believe that the learning process
should be integrative. It is crucial to incorporate a vast amount of topic and
skills. It is important to keep students in touch with the world around them.
One way to do so is inform students on the current events within their society.
This will allow students to become more aware, involved, and engaged, within
their society. This will help promote personal development and further students
understanding allowing them to make generalizations, build their cognitive
development, and promote personal development. Helping students do just this
will allow them to make better connections in all areas and learn how to apply
their skills and new knowledge in all content areas. Teaching should be
value-based because it is meaningful to students and allows students to relate
to the content. Learning should be challenging allowing students to build off
their prior knowledge and educate themselves. Students should be active
participants in their learning and build off of one another’s ideas and
knowledge. In the future, I will be sure to include incorporate these five
powerful strategies into my lessons and units.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
It is time...Mock Interview Time!
Instead of having a final my social studies professor decided to
hold a mock interview in order to demonstrate our knowledge of the course
content. Three students volunteered to me administrators. The administrators
were to interview their colleagues. This had all take places in class on
Wednesday. Each administrator wrote a personal story, which they shared with
us, and created interview questions on various topics such as: direct
instruction, inquiry learning, cooperative learning, major concepts, generalizations,
blooms taxonomy, and elements of social studies.
Each administrator interviewed
their colleagues and asked the questions they generated. Administration was
then assigned to hire their colleagues based on their answers, personality, and
overall performance during the interview. I feel as though the questions asked
were all different yet based on the content we learned throughout the year. It
was amazing how each and every one of us knew all of the answers, yet answered
them in our own unique way. I was impressed with some of the questions that
were asked. The administrators put a lot of hard work and dedication into
writing their stories and creating such unique questions as well! I was truly
impressed. Overall the experience was amazing and I am truly appreciative to
have experience such a thing. It allowed us all to review the course material
while getting real life practice for our future interviews. We all prepared ourselves
and practiced as if we were in a professional situation. Each and every one of
us dressed up as well. We all looked great! J Having this hand on experience in a
setting that we were all comfortable in truly helped make this a positive
learning experience! I am excited to see all the images and pictures taken of
this day!
Below are some great helpful videos you might enjoy!
Monday, April 28, 2014
It's Your Time To Shine! Find Your Own Current Event!
It is extremely important to
capture student’s attention and inform them of all that is going on in today’s
world. It is extremely important to
raise student awareness of the issues within society, and even in their very
own communities. I learned that it is important to introduce current events to
students because it allows them to understand the economy, politics, social
structures, and environment, in order to make the best choices about how to
live their lives, and stay in tune with all that happens around them.
Slowly newspapers have become
neglected and began to lose their footing as a primary source of news. That
does not mean current events and the news is less important, it just means it
is easier then ever to have access too. Whether it is watching the news on
television, listening to the radio, or browsing the Internet, understanding
what is going on in the world is truly important.
Young students have much to gain from exploring the Internet and being knowledgeable of what is happening in the world around them. I learned that social studies classrooms are the perfect way in which students can establish a foundation of awareness and inquiry. Current events offer the social studies teacher countless opportunities to make curriculum relevant to our everyday lives. Not only does incorporating current events in the curriculum help students learn about the world around them but it allows them to build language, learn new vocabulary words, further their reading comprehension, build their critical thinking, problem solving, oral expressions, and listening skills. Finally, teaching current events creates plenty of opportunities for cooperative learning, classroom discussions, debates, and purposeful follow up writing activities.
There are plenty of amazing websites for students to explore and learn about current events. I explored the Pearson’s Education website (click on the link and it will bring you to the site!) Doctor Smirnova provided me. I truly loved this website and felt as though students could learn a great deal from it. It had a social studies library students could use to help define words they were unfamiliar with. It has a link that provides students with current events happening all over the word and provides the date and yea in which they occurred. One of my favorite things about this website is the link This Day In History. I think this is a fun an exciting way to engage students. I think it would be a great idea for teachers to use this site and write a daily fun fact each day of the week to engage students. The site also has activities and games for students!
Doctor Smirnova provided another
website called Free Technology For Teachers. This website provided plenty of
excellent resources for teachers to find current event stories that are
relevant and appropriate for students. This site also provided appropriate
activities for students to do when they visually explore the news themselves in
search of current events. Some of these activities provided were Ten by Ten, AP
Timeline reader, Newseum’s todays front pages, Newspaper map, and Google fast
flip. Ten by ten is a program that connects images with specific news stories.
Every hour a ten by ten gird will have over a 100 images connected to the top
100 news stories from that hour, from around the world. I think this is an
excellent program for students because it connects a visual to a current event.
It has over 100 images giving students the option to decide what they want to
read about. AP timeline is a program that gives readers a way to create their
own timeline. Students can choose up to ten categories and arrange them on
their timeline. Students can always come back to their timeline and read the
events. Newseum’s todays front pages is a program I would definitely introduce
to my students! I think this program is an excellent program that allows
students to explore and view all of the important and current front pages of
major newspapers around the world. A map will be provided with little orange
dots that correspond to the polishing location of each newspaper. When a
student places their mouse on one of the dots it will generate a picture of
that newspaper’s current front page. The student can then click on the image
and it will allow them to read the front page or click through the newspaper’s
website. Newspaper map was another program for locating and relating newspapers
from locations all around the world as well. Google fast flip is a magazine
that displays some of the most popular websites on the Internet. The visual
displays will make it easier for students and teachers to flip through the
images and learn all about the current events that are taking place. It makes
it easy to quickly browse and learn a great deal of information. These are some
of the places I found my ideas when searching to create an activity for my
current event project. I will definitely use these in the future within my
Here are the links for all of the programs:
Here are the links for all of the programs:
I searched the internet when trying
to create an activity to do with my social studies methods class. When
searching the internet I came over a great deal of current events that truly
captured my attention. As for my final project I decided to have my colleagues
search the internet and research their own articles. I felt as though this
would be a great way for them to learn through experience. It will allow them
to interact with one another and build off each other’s ideas. I placed my colleagues
in four different groups. Each group was assigned a different geographical
scope: world, state, local, and educational news. Each group was to search for
an article based on their assigned location and be ready to share what they
found along with their views of the article. I felt as though this was a great
idea because it was more students based and allowed them to educate themselves
in order to become aware of all that is occurring. It allowed them to not only
educate themselves but educate their classmates as well. I felt as though my
activity went extremely well and my colleagues enjoyed finding their own
articles and working together.
I will be sure to use all that I mentioned in the future when teaching current events. It will have to be modified for specific grade levels but not much. I feel as though each grade would benefit from using the online educational websites and games. I feel as though students learn a great deal when they research their own information, find something that captures there attention, has visual aids to guide them, and the power to educate their classmates. I feel that students of all grades can participate in such an activity. For younger students the websites and webpages may have to be monitored to make sure they are appropriate for students to search though.
Monday, April 14, 2014
A Movie Like No Other....BizMovie

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My classmates and I used BizMovie, which was an interactive way to teach students economics in the classroom while having them become engaged in real life experiences. BizMovie is an interactive student based project that allows students to create their own product and company. It is an excellent tool for students to use and learn economics with! I would definitely be sure to use this tool in the future.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
What Is In The Bag?
Creating my own artifact bag was extremely exciting. The focus of my bag was on the first
Thanksgiving and the Native Americans. I did not have any personal artifacts from that time period; therefore I used artifacts that represented the first Thanksgiving and the Native Americans. I used a small pumpkin to represent the first Thanksgiving, and I used a rock to represent Plymouth Rock, and a gold coin to represent Jamestown. I also used a beaded, authentic looking, bracelet and some feathers. After creating my artifact bag, I presented it to my classmates and they had to guess my topic and the importance of each artifact. I loved this project because it allowed me to have control over my own social studies learning while having fun. (My artifacts are listed below) :)
The artifact bag project I completed was an entirely new experience for me. I have never created an artifact bag before, let alone I have never heard of this project. I did not know the many learning benefits of creating an artifact bag. I learned that creating an artifact bag is extremely useful within a social studies classroom. This project helped me develop my pedagogical knowledge through experience. Going through the process, methods of teaching my assigned topic, and learning from my colleagues, allowed me to recognize the true value and purpose of the project. I recognized the development of the project and all of the hard work and dedication it truly takes to create an excellent artifact bag. I also recognized the classroom management aspect. Students were truly focused on figuring out what their artifacts would be and creating a positive learning experience.
Overall I thought this was an
extremely rich learning experience. It helps get students researching and
developing information to find certain artifacts. Such historical artifacts, or
artifacts that represent historical times, could help bridge the gap between
the present and the past for students. This project would help students build
and master their critical thinking skills and learn all about history. At the
end of this project students would have analyzed information, applied the
appropriate standards, recognized similarities and differences between different
topics in social studies. Students will have learned to search for information,
facts, and evidence. Students would also draw inferences or conclusions based
on their topic, predict, and transform their knowledge.Though this project may seem
simple students are actually learning a great deal of information, not just
social studies but every day concepts and learning tools they would need. I am
truly grateful I had the opportunity to experience this project and learn all
about it. Not only did I enjoy the project but also it opened my eyes and gave
me new ideas that I will definitely be incorporating in my future classroom.

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