Not that long ago I entered my Social Studies course classroom excited yet nervous for all that was in store for me, though I was more nervous than excited or anxious. As I sat down at a computer and listened to all that Dr. Smirnova said I was begin to feel a bit overwhelmed. She mentioned a great deal of technology, three lesson plans that I have never heard of, and how we were a paperless classroom. eclass was now going to be our best friend. Have I mentioned I never used eclass prior to this Social Studies methods course. So this is where I began to stress and freak out a little bit. Dr. Smirnova then had us read letters that the previous class had wrote about their experience and all that they have been through. This letter did not make me feel any better. The student had mentioned all the stress and work load they have been through. To reassure me they mentioned to lean on my classmates for help and to stay on top of my work. Well now it is the end of the semester. The last day of the course is actually approaching, and well I've
I completed this last methods course! I was able to get all of my work in and complete all of the given assignments when due! I was able to learn those three amazing lesson plans (direct, inquiry, and cooperative). Not only was I able to learn them but I was able to utilize them and teaching them within a second grade classroom setting! I learned to lean on my classmates. My classmates became some of my best friends. They became the people who would answer my phone calls, text messages, or face time calls, in the early morning or late night hours. My professor, Dr. Smirnova, was always there to help me when my classmates were not! I knew I could contact her at any time and soon enough she would get back to me with a helping hand. I can not believe all that I have accomplished and learned in this course. The amount of technology i learned is amazing and I truly can not wait to share it with others. Better yet, I can not wait to use it within my own classroom in the future. I am proud that all of us, as a class and a family,
MADE IT together! With great support, feedback, open minds, and helping hands, we all helped each other through some of the toughest times. Heres the beginning to an amazing year and a bright future.
Congratulations everyone!
Dr. Smirnova, I couldn't thank you enough! Have a wonderful summer :)
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