Today's lesson Miss Kristen, Miss Susan, and myself had our students create poster's on different topics they learned this week. Group one created a t-chart comparing and contrasting the pilgrims life before and after they met the Native Americans. Group two created a book about Christopher Columbus and all that he has done in the past. Group three created a bubble chart with facts about Jamestown. Group four created a collage about the Native Americans on a posted board in the shape of a teepee, and group five created a collage on the first Thanksgiving. This lesson went well and the students truly enjoyed creating their posters. At the end of the lesson each group presented their posters to their classmates. It was great to see how excited the second graders were to share their projects but once they were standing in front of the class they immediately spoke in low voices and put their backs to the class. I constantly reminded the students to face their classmates and to speak up, and so they did. The second grade class did an amazing job and I was so proud of them!
Today is my last day teaching my smart second grade class! This week was a long week and took a lot of hard work and dedication to create lessons to capture the students attention, activate their prior knowledge, and teach them new information on topics they are not familiar with, while using all three lesson plans Though it was hard work and challenging I truly enjoyed teaching! I loved it and it was great experience. I was happy I was able to experience such a thing before I went out into the real world. Though it was a short period of time it helped me mentally prepare and become somewhat knowledgeable of what I have in store for me.