Today Miss Sara and Miss Shannon conducted their final lesson, the Cooperative Learning lesson. Miss Shannon and Miss Sara began the lesson by activating students prior knowledge about the many tribes they learned this week. The activity that was planned for today's lesson was to have the students spilt up into groups, assigned jobs, and discovering new tribes using the materials given. The students truly loved this project! All of the second graders were truly excited to partake in the project and to have their own role. At the end of the day students presented their posters to their classmates. The second grade boys and girls loved sharing with their classmates all that they learned. They did a great job!

This project related to Bloom's Taxonomy in numerous ways. The students prior knowledge was activated to help them recall and remember what they learned. Miss Shannon and Miss Sara asked student friendly questions to help the students comprehend what was being asked and to truly understand the material they were being taught. As for the project students were creating and realizing the value of the material by creating their posters.
This was an excellent project and lesson went extremely well! Miss Susan and Miss Shannon did a great job!
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