We once fantasized how amazing it would be if money simply grew on trees, life would be so easy. We soon learn that this is just a fantasy and we begin to learn the value of money and the importance of the economy.
It can be extremely challenging to teach children all about money and how to handle it. Finance is an important subject; therefore students have to learn about economics, money, and how to handle it properly. For students to learn to do so they must practice using money and having personal control over their lives and the many responsibilities it comes with. Economic decision involvement within society is extremely scarce. So how can students learn through practice? Using technology, such as computers, will involve students and give them the opportunity to make age appropriate decisions.
There are numerous websites for teachers or schools to use to teach economic concepts and the relationship between concepts within society. Some of these websites include games with financial education focus, running a business online, webkinz, the power of green activity, and the chance to watch mini-society informational videos.
Games with financial education focus could be found on a recommended website called, www.fffl,councilforeconed.org. Webkinz is a website that allows students to experience handling money by taking care of their Webkinz pet. This is an extremely interactive and engaging activity.

Having students their own business and sell items and services is extremely important as well. Giving students problems such as where to locate the business and when sales can take place must be solved. Students can use computers to research locations that may help their business flourish and when the best time to have a sale is.

Computers can also show students how to present information, such as the stock change, on charts and graphs as well. Many economic concepts are presented in elementary and middle school social studies curriculums. In order to encourage students to make careful career choices and learn to develop good spending habits and understand the world around them it is important to learn economics. Using the computer is a great way to find many resources to further ones understanding and allow them to practice.
Here are the websites to use in order to teach economics using the computer! Have fun!
i love how many examples you gave us to use. you showed the information you researched really well and i think it can be really useful for all of us !